58th Annual Scholarship Awards
19th January 2021
The Society of Kastorians Omonoia”, New York honored the Distinguished Keynote Speaker Honorable Judge Menelaos Toskos in their 58th Scholarship Award Ceremony. Although it has been a challenging year the First Virtual Ceremony was a success and we thank our Scholarship Committee for their excellent work! Best wishes and congratulations to all our recipients! The Society is always on your side! In case you missed it see below photos and snapshots from our zoom platform and click the link to enjoy the ceremony : https://kastorians-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/ztzikas_kastoria_us/ERFjFVRfuWtCjZMbpn7bI9IBYwClcCeHxx_NLF5x0BDSEA?e=fjKD7t